Project: Oncology clinicÂ
Location: Delft, the Netherlands
One of the projects close to the heart and where aesthetics didn't play the key role as much as the therapeutic effect, is HollandPTC clinic in Delft. The owners appointed Katarina Stupavska to design three wall-coverings for MRI rooms with the natural cream-blue palettes of Delfts blauw ceramics. However Delfts blauw often contains cold colours and angelic patterns, which are unsuitable for this serious environment. The extensive research of the colour palettes helped to shape the choice of colours and patterns that have a positive and healing effect on the patients to eventually enhance the recovery process. The stories in the wallpapers represent the peaceful and hopeful nature from the Japanese art combined with Delfts blauw patterns. When correctly executed, art, colours and beauty contains more of the visual healing power that one can imagine.